Tuesday 25 February 2014

Cover To Cover...

Today was a pretty stagnant day. I had an early breakfast and then spent six hours in the dining hall reading a book for 'Comparative Cultural Encounters' cover to cover before class. This is a major help with much reading still to do for an upcoming discussion class with Striner. 

After class I did an hour stint on the Relay table in Hodson and then hour in the gym to compensate for my otherwise sedentary day. I played a bit of piano after dinner, whilst the others went to MMA. 

This evening I relaxed in Worcester watching 'House of Cards' and preparing for choosing my halls back home next year. I will be getting up earlier than usual in order to submit when the application process opens, compensating for the time difference. That, and submitting my courses the other day, the overlap for the next academic year is already starting - not that I will allow it to runaway with this semester. 

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