Yesterday I woke bright and early to sort out the last bits for the colour run before the taxi departed from campus at 7:30am. The drive into Baltimore was smooth enough and the roads were open as far as the event itself, so we didn't have a long walk to the check-in.
Inside the venue we were issued our runner packs, with a t-shirt, race number, sun glasses and other freebies. Once we were kitted up we joined the last wave of runners funneling towards the start line.
The race itself didn't feel like 5km, but I suppose that time passes quicker when there are new things to see as you go. There was a different colour paint station at each 1km milestone where staff threw their colour onto the runners as they passed through. Suffice to say that by the time the race was run we were coated in colour from head to foot.
The rest of the time at the event was spent at the after race concert where everyone was given lots of individual bags of colour to throw in the air/at each other, which made for a great display. We also took advantage of the free food and drink, and the post-race team photos to give a nice contrast to the spotless shots from earlier in the day.
With a couple of hours before the taxi was due to pick us up, we walked down to the waterfront for a bite to eat and to take advantage of the sunshine. The taxi picked us up on cue and we arrived back at campus by mid-afternoon.
Once I was back in Worcester I had the most intense hour long shower of my life, comparable to a scrub down following exposure to nuclear fallout - a situation not helped by the fact that I so found out I was slightly sun burned as well. But, eventually I was squeaky clean once more. We spent the evening at Sean's in Chester and then we moved across to KC for the rest of the night.
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