Sunday, 6 April 2014

A Drifting Day...

Yesterday was one of those perfectly lazy days where you seem to drift from one thing to another without bothering to look at the clock. After a lie in - yes, I did say lie in, I went up to the dining hall for brunch. From there I went down to the volleyball court and played for a while with Relay people, which was a lot of fun. 

Afterwards, I printed off an article I need to read at some point before Tuesday. Then I walked down to Walgreens and ACME to fetch Addison some things as he was feeling bad again and it being such a nice day I wanted the walk. At the store I bumped into Will, Sean and Lenka who had gone down to the animal shelter earlier on. 

After our fail attempt the other day, Sean and I went to the gym to help  Will train for Thursday's fight. Without wrist supports I'm pretty sure that I did more damage to myself in the end.

Later in the day I met up with Sean and others in the dining hall, going from there to get some drinks for later on. We spent a large portion of the rest of the day in Chester, relaxing and playing some games. Wanting to get some fresh air, Will, Lenka, Vanessa and I headed up to O'Connors, meeting up with Kristine and Axel as well - a briefly bumping in Ester in Safe Ride, so we got to see most people which was really nice. 

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