Having initially said that the blog would not be used every day I have felt a slight pressure to keep it going, and I must admit that I am finding it harder to make every day interesting for the reader - hence the lack of a post last night, when I decided that there was nothing interesting to say. However, in the clear light of day I realised that I like a challenge and will continue to try and keep a daily review.
So, yesterday. I met Marcela for breakfast, which is becoming something of a routine, and then I went back to Worcester for an hour to read before class, which actually became a time to do a bit of writing instead - no guilt felt.
Classes were swift as usual with 'American Madness' as the film to finish the day. It is definitely best to finish the day with the film - it is a relaxing unwind for the mind.
Having said that I was finding it hard to write entertainingly about events, I can foresee today being a busy one, and tomorrow in the lead up to the rafting trip this weekend. Which, now that I think about it, will also give me a lot to talk about. So actually, I was lying and I'll stop making excuses. There will me much to tell on the latter days of this week.
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