Friday, 6 September 2013

The First Paper...

Felt like a long day yesterday. In the morning I began the first paper of the term, which didn't feel as depressing as I thought it would. After lunch I continued to write and after a not so brief conversation with HSBC's fraud detection team, having forgotten to tell them that I am abroad, I wrote until 4pm.

Taking a break form the paper I went over to the JFC to play some squash, or so I thought. Unfortunately, I never made it onto the squash court because I was conscripted into a '5 minute' presentation for the rowing team. Now, being British I was not prepared to walk out of the presentation, especially as I had chosen the seat farthest from the door. So, 55 minutes later I trudged out, ticked off that I had lost my squash time and more assured that I didn't want to row. 

However, I did not had time to grumble because I was meeting with Sam, Eoin and Lenka at 5pm to buy a couple of things for this weekend. So, arriving home and switching outfits in a time that would rival a quick change on the West End, I join them for a spot of shopping. On the upside, I do now have everything I need for the trip. 

Once we had finished, we headed back and went to listen to the Naval Academy band for an hour in Martha Washington Square. Sufficed to say that the jazz, free popcorn and candyfloss put me in a more mellow mood for dinner at 7pm. 

As I won't have time to write a post between finishing today and leaving for the trip, I think that on Sunday I will do several posts to break things up for each day individually. 

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