Well, this is the first blog post written from my desk in Worcester Hall at Washington College. Having met many people and remembering most names, I cannot help but feel that there is more pressure on these posts being a worthwhile read now that most people recognised me from the blog. It is slightly disconcerting to have people greet you by name before you've said a word - I don't know how celebrities do it.
But, moving back to the day itself. The ride from the airport was great for views across the river and seeing the immediate area around Chestertown. Arriving at the Global Education Office we were helped by the willing group of peer mentors as we signed in to get our keys and then move our things into halls. (Now I know that many of them read the blog I must must pay them the compliment).
The initial rush was followed by me spending a great deal of unpacking and rearranging the room so that it had the right flow and look. Not to boast, but I think I pulled it off pretty well.
After getting the feng shui of the room just right, I sat down to dinner in the dining hall (where else?), which was followed by several relaxing hours of chatting, story telling and cultural comparisons with the others Returning to Foster Hall, we had a final eat and greet over pizza before I returned to Worcester and to make sure the wifi was working. The fact I am writing this answers the question. Now, I am about to roll into bed and rest before the busy days of orientation ahead.
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