Monday, 26 August 2013

Setting Out Into The Past...

Today was the first day of classes and I had all three with Dr. Richard Striner, a man who wears classic suits and speaks with a Tom Hanks accent that naturally projects wisdom. 

Equation for a Happy History Student:

Richard Striner = Voice like Tom Hanks
Tom Hanks + Talking about the past = Robert Langdon
Robert Langdon for a History professor = Happy History student

Sufficed to say, the exams here are no where near the pressure they are back home. In fact, as it currently stands, I don't technically need to take any finals this term if I don't want to. Nevertheless, the workload for essays is still heavy and I will soon be familiar with Miller Library.

With that in mind, all the required books for the term are in the process of being shipped, or have already been dispatched. That's one hassle out of the way. 

On another note, contrary to the popular opinion back home that I look upon a fitness centre like a dog does its next bath, I have inquired, and will being joining, the competitive squash ladder when it is up and running in the next couple of weeks. And, people are constantly convincing me to go to the gym with them, so one day I might even find out what all the scary contraptions in there are for. At the moment it looks like somewhere that Ivan the Terrible would go to relax.

After dinner we went to Shannon's to play Munchkin's and after working our way around the wordy rules, we were in the flow and understanding the nature of the game - it's basically mocking the concept of Dungeons and Dragons, something I realised when I was forced to fight a Level 8 Gazebo. 

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