Thursday, 6 March 2014

Some Early Morning McDonalds...

The snow is on the melt...again. Yesterday was a fairly relaxed day in between classes having got ahead with work in anticipation of the week off. 

After film, I played the piano for a while and then went to the gym for an hour before dinner. I decided to go on the bike to give my knees and ankles a rest from the treadmill. Ironically, I pushed my right knee a touch to far and really felt a strain for the rest of the day. I wouldn't class it as an injury and this morning it feels a lot better - I might go on the elliptical to take the weight off my joints later, but go nice and gently. I also did some upper body weight work after giving everything 48 hours to repair and ease off - I've done my homework. 

In the evening I had Relay and after a brief meeting, we went into the SEB to paint some more posters for the event itself. Needing to do some more planning for Spring Break, I met up with Will afterwards and then headed over to Shannon's. At 1:00am we had done all that we could, so, hungry and in the mood for something unhealthy we went for McDonalds, which we then ate in the car in the campus car park - the joy of a 24hr drive-thru. 

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