Monday, 20 January 2014

The Rest Return...

Yesterday saw a bit more of the old routine return with brunch in the morning. I had chance to catch up with Will, one of the new Australian internationals and then we were joined by Lenka and Shannon later on. After food, I headed over to KC with Shannon and Lenka to make some initial plans for Spring Break in March. So far we haven't made any definite decisions, but if we can't source somewhere beachy that it relatively cheap, then we feel a road trip for the week is on the cards. 

The afternoon passed idly and then we made our way over to dinner. - I realise that making the blog less food-centric isn't off to a great start, but when you have nothing to do meal times really are the key points of the day. Yesterday's dinner was especially key because we met up with the rest of the internationals who had arrived throughout the day. I did get some sad news that I have lost Marcela as my breakfast companion for the semester because of her new schedule. But, Sean is boldly stepping into her shoes, which means I don't have to spend my time alone and looking expectantly at the stairs or pretending to text some nonexistent food companion who is running late - not that I do that. 

Then, the evening was spent over at Lenka and Kristine's catching up with Axel and Kanta, discussing what we might like to do as days out and small trips throughout the semester - it's already looking like a pretty full few months. 

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