Saturday, 7 December 2013

A Tasty Prize...

Brunch this morning followed by some time spent at the piano and then over to the library to do several hours of revision for one part of the exam next Friday. Satisfied that I deserved the rest of the afternoon off, I went back to Worcester and discovered that I could get 'Have I Got News For You' on online, so I watched several episodes of the new season. 

At 5:30pm I walked over to Sean's for my home cooked dinner as my prize for bringing in the most profit at the Relay bake sale with Shannon. Some of the others were a little late, so Sean, Nick - who won for creativity, and I sat down to spaghetti, chicken parm, salad (prepared by myself), and some bread. Full marks for the food, which was great. We chatted and relaxed, joined later by Shannon, Lenka, Sam and Marcela. 

The rest of the evening was spent playing 'Cards Against Humanity' and then using Shannon as a Snapchat showcase. A little more revision is earmarked for tomorrow, but as I already know what the question I want for the exam, and I half two and a half hours to do three historical IDs and one essay, I'm not over-working too much this weekend (touch wood). 

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