Friday, 13 December 2013

A Holiday Toast...

Dear loyal readers I write a special post,
if you like, my holiday toast.
To an all-round amazing semester
and now it is time for a month’s siesta,
away from all the exams and assessments.
But, this year abroad has been one of the best investments
I could have made to my life,
even if there was some paperwork strife.
And so, I raise a glass
to the happy times that have come to pass,
to the amazing people that made it real,
I don’t think I could have had a sweeter deal.
Here’s to all the friends that I have no doubt will last,
even when these days are memories in the past.
Many I will see in the New Year
though for several, we must part ways here.
It is always sad to say goodbye,
but we’ll see each other again, and I’ll tell you why.
Because the world is actually rather small,
and I’ll come looking for free lodging from you all.
When I look back on all we’ve done
it really has been rather fun.
From Annapolis, the BBQ and kayaking,
to the country concert and white water rafting.
Halloween, first Fridays, and Homecoming,
New York, DC, and Thanksgiving.
The Renaissance fair, the picnic and Phili,
Eastern Neck, Blitz Ball and Ocean City.
Yes, it was quite a semester indeed,
and through it all you’ve continued to read.
So, my final words go out to you,
I wish you luck in all you do.
I bid you farewell, love, and holiday cheer.
Here’s to a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thursday, 12 December 2013

The Worst Part Is The Waiting...

As in war, the worst part is the waiting, but that time is drawing to a close. By 11:30am tomorrow, the exam will be over and I shall be begin packing. Today I continued my routine of gravitating between my desk, the MPC, the pool table and the piano, as I re-read my notes and staved off my growing boredom - made worse by the fact that virtually everyone else is finished. But, I will be content with knowing that there is always someone else is worse off than myself - that person being Oz Sam who has two exams tomorrow. 

First Farewells...

Yesterday was yet another long day of revising and passing the time as this exam crawls nearer. Later in the morning I took a Christmas card to Cheryl and David's - the people Mum and Dad stayed with when they were over in Fall Break. I chatted to them a while and Cheryl went to get me some Christmas cookies, which turned out to be a very tasty array of snacks that, in the holiday spirit, I decided to share with the others later. 

The day passed and that evening we went over to J to meet up as a whole group, minus Eoin, for the last time. We relaxed and chatted, and Sean came by at 10:00pm after his tutorial class. By 11:00pm we called it a night as packing still needed to be done and for some of us, exams need to be revised for. So, I said goodbye to Bean for a month and headed back to Worcester. Just as I was drifting off, I had to offer my phone to a guy on my corridor who had locked himself out, and having done it myself, I felt obliged to show some sympathy.  

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Still More Snow...

This morning I managed to wake up with my alarm and so I went to breakfast and then to the CAC to start revising for the day. After about an hour, the snow that had been falling all morning began to get heavier, so I decided to get off campus and walk into town to get some photos. I hadn't been down for several weeks and it was nice to see the place decorated for the holiday. I spent about an hour and a half trekking down to the boathouse and back up again, by which point I was very wet and cold, satisfied that I got some decent shots. 

Arriving back in campus, I warmed up editing through the photos and uploading them online. By this time the cold had made me hungry, so I went for lunch, meeting Marcela, Abby and others. Having recharged my energy, I collected my work and went to the basement of the library and to the MPC where Shannon works. Sure enough, I found her down there along with an empty chair, peace and quiet. So, I continued to work in there, breaking for a short while at the piano and then carrying on through until an earlier dinner. 

This evening we hung out at J, Shannon putting her craft skills to good use, making everyone hand decorated tiaras and then they all went to Team Tuesday at the Blue Bird, and I back to Worcester to get some rest for another long day tomorrow of revising and waiting to get this exam over with. 

Monday, 9 December 2013

A Monotonous Monday...

The days are starting to seem long. With a smaller amount of material to revise and waiting until the end of the week for the exam, it's no easy task keeping myself motivated to continually go over the same material. This morning I went to the library after breakfast so that I would stay on track. There I bumped into Sean and Marcela, and I spent several hours re-writing notes from memory and devising various ways to make the range of dates easier to remember. 

It is a novelty without classes to choose when I have lunch, and half one seemed as good a time as any. So, I broke off for half an hour, meeting up with Lenka in the dining hall, before going over to the comfier sofas of the CAC to give Marcela some snacks and have a change of scenery. As it happens we didn't get very far and managed to bump into Sean again after he came out of his exam. 

Deciding that I'd done enough work for the time being, or at least progressed sufficiently from yesterday, I returned to Worcester to catch up with the latest episode of Homeland. I spent the time leading up to dinner going over notes one last time before putting them down for good. After eating I waited for the KC shuttle and then relaxed in J as has become my custom. 

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

The major highlight of yesterday was that campus saw the first proper fall of snow of the year - Sam was particularly excited as snow is a rarity in Australia. So, before anyone had the chance to get out and write/draw obscene things in the snow, I trekked out to get photos.

Once I had photographed nature, I spent a lazy morning  watching TV and then after brunchI finished off my exam notes for Friday. Later that afternoon I finally had chance to speak with family now that Tom is home from uni. After dinner, we went over to KC to have hot drinks and get warm out of the freezing weather that had turned to sleet. 

Saturday, 7 December 2013

A Tasty Prize...

Brunch this morning followed by some time spent at the piano and then over to the library to do several hours of revision for one part of the exam next Friday. Satisfied that I deserved the rest of the afternoon off, I went back to Worcester and discovered that I could get 'Have I Got News For You' on online, so I watched several episodes of the new season. 

At 5:30pm I walked over to Sean's for my home cooked dinner as my prize for bringing in the most profit at the Relay bake sale with Shannon. Some of the others were a little late, so Sean, Nick - who won for creativity, and I sat down to spaghetti, chicken parm, salad (prepared by myself), and some bread. Full marks for the food, which was great. We chatted and relaxed, joined later by Shannon, Lenka, Sam and Marcela. 

The rest of the evening was spent playing 'Cards Against Humanity' and then using Shannon as a Snapchat showcase. A little more revision is earmarked for tomorrow, but as I already know what the question I want for the exam, and I half two and a half hours to do three historical IDs and one essay, I'm not over-working too much this weekend (touch wood). 

A Week Of Advent...

So, I know I have a couple of days to catch up on, but as I said, with things winding down there isn't loads to say. Thursday was the final class of the year and with nothing to do until the exam on the last day, I decided to give myself the day off to unwind after a non-stop couple of weeks. In the evening we went over to KC to drink to the end of classes and jumping the final hurdle before the holiday. 

Yesterday, was spent lazing around in the library where Shannon works for a while, and then I went over to Sean's, where he, Marcela and I spent the afternoon under a blanket and watching 'Mickey's Christmas Tales' and then 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation'. 

Once the film was finished, I went back over to Worcester to get ready to go to David and Deirdre's (my host family's) house for dinner with some of the others. As ever the food was superb and their hospitality was excellent. Naturally Fern, their part wolf part husky was a huge hit with everyone. Before we knew it, we'd been their five hours and it was approaching pumpkin hour, so we headed back to campus. 

Whilst the other went out, Sean, Marcela and I resumed our positions under the blanket and watched 'Tomb Raider', not a very Christmasy film I'll grant you, but I'd never seen it before and it was British, so I was happy. 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Finishing The Semester With Striner...

Yesterday was the last day for Striner's classes this semester. We finished off the day with 'It's A Wonderful Life' to put everyone in the Christmas spirit in the lead up to finals week and a much needed holiday (after the one last week). 

With everyone else still meeting essay deadlines I've had a fair bit of spare time to do book stuff, but after today's class with Miller, in which we'll find out about our final on the final day of term, it will be revision all the way for the last big push. I foresee this last week and a bit being quite quiet with all eyes on upcoming examinations. Now, I'm deciding whether to put the blog on hold over Christmas and then re-start it in the Spring semester, or if it would be worth continuing with it over the month that I'm at home.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

A New Password...

There was a mash of small jobs that needed doing this morning. Leaving Hodson from breakfast, I went down to the pianos first thing to preemptively unwind. Then, I posted a letter back home to Sara, handed in my DS-something-or-other form to get a signature for me leaving the country over Christmas, and did my post-Thanksgiving laundry. After class, I had a relaxed lunch with no plans for the afternoon. 

Later, I made another trip to the pianos and then headed to Hynson Lounge for the farewell to the international students that will be leaving us next week. All in all, the food laid out was a welcome way to stock up before dinner on good cheese, crab dip and fruit.

Later in the day I started having internet issues in Worcester. I soon found out that I couldn't get online because I had neglected to change my password. Unfortunately, I could not then get on the internet to make a new password because I didn't have a functioning password to then alter - that's some smart thinking from the folks at OIT. Luckily, Kellyanne was on hand so I could access the college website via her account to alter my details. I then had the problem that I needed a new password that was easy enough to remember, but also needed to contain a capital letter, be at least eight characters long, have a number in there somewhere, and some kind of punctuation. But, after a while I had a password that makes the Enigma look like child's play and then I headed to dinner.    

Monday, 2 December 2013

Salesmen Of The Year...

Back to classes as usual today, but with one being a discussion class and the other two watching films it wasn't a very strenuous day. After handing the last paper of the term, I went over to Walgreen's with Sam and Lenka to get some shampoo and shower gel as I realised that I also left that at Sean's, but he can keep them. (Don't say I never get you anything, Bean.)

This evening I stopped by KC and then me and Shannon went over to Hodson to begin selling cupcakes and brownies door to door for Relay. I can say that altogether everyone made over $400, with me and Shannon bringing in the most as a team with over $110! Our prize is that Sean will now be cooking us a dinner with Nick, who got the prize for most creative baking. 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

The Break Is Over...

Well, the break is over in the blink of an eye. Today's breakfast was a Granata Sunday special, with all the eggs and meat you could ask for. This following yesterday's bagels with assorted toppings. We packed up and lazed around before heading over to the surprise party of a family friend around midday. - Evidently I didn't pack well enough as I've just found that I've left behind my headphones. 

Although I was a total stranger to nearly everyone in at the party, it was a good way to grab some food before heading straight home and I had a chance to say goodbye to the whole Granata household. I can't thank Sean's parents, his grandparents, Erin and himself enough for having me and Eoin over for such a family orientated holiday. All the food was superb, as was the company. Thanks again to Sean for making a depressingly long journey back to campus. I look forward to the Granata's potentially coming to England in the summer so I can repay their generosity. Now, I will have the first chocolate from my advent calender.