Wednesday, 2 October 2013

What A Wednesday...

You know those days when you wake up and think I could take my head off this pillow, or put it over my face? Well, today felt like it was going to be a smotherer. Three long classes, a book to finish reading, a midterm to begin revising for and papers due straight afterwards that need some consideration, not to mention the two essays in this Friday that needed last amendments and printing. 

But, I left my pillow behind and it wasn't actually that bad. In first class I got back my first paper which went well. I won't divulge the grade because I find the advertisement of one's own achievements irritating to hear...on the other hand, an A+ isn't to be sniffed at, so go ahead and let those eyes roll, I don't care. To celebrate I went and played something especially cheerful on the piano after class.

I finished reading the autobiography of 'Black Hawk' for an upcoming class discussion and a paper later in the term, laid out initial ideas for the next Hollywood film paper, amended and printed one essay for Friday, and set out the general areas to make notecards on for the exam. 

As Lenka is coming down with the flu, I accompanied her to Walgreens where she picked up some horse tranquilizers and I a new toothbrush and some more toothpaste. A word to the wise, Oz Sam is also ill so approach both of them with caution and a face mask if you have one to hand.

This evening the Public Relations Committee had our first biweekly meeting to discuss the advertisements for upcoming events and the pass over of the Facebook group to me and Shannon. The two of us also spent some time getting the photos of the bonfire together to go on the Relay For Life blog - some of which you can now see, and we started editing together the video clips. 

Now, I will sit back and relax with some new Modern Family episodes and do some book work that I've been putting off with such a busy college work schedule - all this work when back home people have been enjoying Freshers' Week. 

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